Virtualtopia uses the following services during website development and when checking website health.
This page is a handy location to store these useful sites. So why not share it with the world.
Ads, Analytics, CDN, Domains
- Cloudflare
- Crazy Domains
- Google Analytics
- Google Search Console
- Google Trends
- Google Adsense
- Google AdWords
- Google Admin
- My Activity
Website testing tools
Try these third party services out on your website.
- Convert Case
- Remove Line Breaks
- Code Validator
- PageSpeed Insights
- Down for everyone or just me
- IsItDown RightNow
- GTmetrix – Analyse performance
- DNS Spy
- Whats my DNS
- What’s my IP
- Intro DNS
- HTTP/2 Test
- Web Page Test
- SSL Shopper
- Built With
- Wappalyzer – Technology lookup
- Who is Hosting This
- HTTP Compression Test
- VirusTotal
- Have I been pwned
- Solocode
- Favicon Generator
- Sitemap generator
Website building tools
Useful tools for website creation and maintenance.
- ChatGPT
- What’s my IP
- Facebook Debug Tool
- Have I been pwned
- Snipboard.IO
- My Location
- Coolors – Color Picker
- Remove Background
- Photopea
Branding Agency
Brand is important. If you want to transform your business we recommend re:brand an award winning brand agency in New Zealand.
Writing Resources
Good web writing is essential for websites. It helps to get your message across in a simple and effective way. We recommend Capire, a leading New Zealand writing consultancy. Even if you do not use their service, try out their free Writing Resources. They offer great advice when writing for the web and other mediums.